These are most interesting facts about Bennu.
Have you known it yet ?
Bennu collision
Will Bennu be crashed ?#1 There is a 10% probability that Bennu will be ejected out of the inner Solar System, most likely after a close encounter with Jupiter. The highest impact probability for a planet is with Venus (26%), followed by the Earth (10%) and Mercury (3%).
Name of Bennu
What does it mean#2 The name Bennu was selected from more than 8000 student entries from dozens of countries around the world who entered a "Name That Asteroid!" contest run by the University of Arizona, Planetary Society and the LINEAR Project.
Height of Bennu
Do you know Empire State Building ?#3 The diameter of Bennu is approximately 510m, which is only 60m higher than the Empire State Building. Compare to another asteroid and planet on solar system, Bennu is not so giant right ?
Bennu collision
Will Bennu be crashed ?#1 There is a 10% probability that Bennu will be ejected out of the inner Solar System, most likely after a close encounter with Jupiter. The highest impact probability for a planet is with Venus (26%), followed by the Earth (10%) and Mercury (3%).
Name of Bennu
What does it mean#2 The name Bennu was selected from more than 8000 student entries from dozens of countries around the world who entered a "Name That Asteroid!" contest run by the University of Arizona, Planetary Society and the LINEAR Project.
Height of Bennu
Do you know Empire State Building ?#3 The diameter of Bennu is approximately 510m, which is only 60m higher than the Empire State Building. Compare to another asteroid and planet on solar system, Bennu is not so giant right ?
Bennu collision
Will Bennu be crashed ?#1 There is a 10% probability that Bennu will be ejected out of the inner Solar System, most likely after a close encounter with Jupiter. The highest impact probability for a planet is with Venus (26%), followed by the Earth (10%) and Mercury (3%).
Name of Bennu
What does it mean#2 The name Bennu was selected from more than 8000 student entries from dozens of countries around the world who entered a "Name That Asteroid!" contest run by the University of Arizona, Planetary Society and the LINEAR Project.
Height of Bennu
Do you know Empire State Building ?#3 The diameter of Bennu is approximately 510m, which is only 60m higher than the Empire State Building. Compare to another asteroid and planet on solar system, Bennu is not so giant right ?
If you wonder how Bennu looks like,
this is how it looks.
This is a video about Bennu.
To understand more about Bennu, do not forget to give a lovely video below a click.
Where Bennu comes from ? What is her nickname ? What is her interest ? How does she look like ? What does she get in her silver-liked surface ? This video anwers all questions for you.
This is a game for Bennu.
What will happen if 10% happen and Earth is affected when Bennu go out of Solar System ?
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